The ordering process in is integrated with the e-commerce portal. The ordering process is detailed in this tutorial. Some countries have local distributors or particular customs requirements and therefore do not have direct order capabilities. Orders from these countries are processed by the local customer service group.
The prices displayed during checkout include country specific taxes and shipping. However, there are certain conditions under which the prices displayed during checkout are not final prices and do not include tax and freight due to system limitations. For example, when the cart exceeds the threshold to make price calls to E1, then the system defaults to list price and does not display auxiliary charges (tax, freight, special handling etc.). A price disclaimer is displayed which informs the customer that account specific prices are currently not available.
The customer has the option to print the cart page, as a substitute for a quote. However, if the quote needs to include the shipping and freight charges, then it is not possible to capture the auxiliary charges on the cart page. With October, this quote model will be enhanced and made available in the cart with the ability to capture auxiliary charges within the cart.
Once the status of your Ion AmpliSeq design is “Results ready”, proceed to order your panel by clicking the Add to cart button:
At this point you will start the checkout process. In this wizard, you can add Library prep, templating and sequencing kits, and chips. Once the items and quantities have been selected, click Add to cart on After a short wait you are transferred to the page where you can continue shopping or finish the checkout process.
All of the items selected on are added to your cart on From here you follow the normal checkout process for completing the order.
Select your shipping information. Provide the billing PO or credit card info.
Review your order. Use this page as your quote.
When you place the order, your Ion AmpliSeq custom panel is passed to manufacturing and all the catalog products will be shipped. To cancel or change any order, customers should follow the same path as for any other products. Call the local CSR team.