Ion AmpliSeq™ Fixed Panel files

The following panel files are available for download for typical Ion AmpliSeq™ Ready‑to‑Use and Community panels. The list of available files varies depending on the panel.



<panel ID>_ coverage_ details.csv

A CSV file that contains exon-level coverage details, including target gene, number of amplicons that are required to cover the exon, and number of bases covered by the amplicons.

<panel ID>_ coverage_ summary.csv

A CSV file that contains gene-level coverage summary, including the total number of amplicons required to cover the CDS region of the gene and total number of bases covered by the amplicons.

<panel ID>_ 384WellPlateDataSheet.csv

A CSV file that lists the location of each primer in a 384‑well plate.

<panel ID>_ variant_annotation.csv

A CSV file that provides the list of variants that are associated with a panel, including details such as gene symbol, Ensembl Gene ID, hg19 coordinates, strand location (+/-), amplicon ID, coding DNA sequence (CDS) and protein mutation, variant class, and clinical relevance for each variant.

<panel ID>_ designed.bed

A BED file that defines genomic coordinates that are targeted by the primers.

<panel ID>_ submitted.bed

A BED file that contains genomic coordinates the primers are designed to target.

<panel ID>_ hotspot.bed

A BED file that specifies the regions of known mutations with allele-specific information, such as the (REF) reference, (OBS) observed, and (ANCHOR) anchor fields.

<panel ID>_ missed.bed

A BED file that contains information about the regions that are missed by the design, including the chromosome number and the (start,end) coordinates of the missed region.

<panel ID>_ ampliconDataSheet.csv

A CSV file that presents detailed information for the amplicons in the panel, including a (sorted) amplicon ID number, the forward and reverse primers, the gene symbol, chromosome number and the (start,end) coordinates for the amplicon and for the insert (the amplicon without considering the primer length).

<panel ID>_<variable>_ parameters.bed

A JSON file with optimized parameters to be manually uploaded for variant calling on Torrent Variant Caller.


A JSON file that contains information to automatically configure a run plan for a panel in Torrent Suite™ Software.