Ion AmpliSeq™ Custom panels: RNA Gene Expression design input specifications

For Ion AmpliSeq™ Custom RNA gene expression designs, the following input is case-sensitive.

  • The names of the genes and accession numbers are required to use capital letters.

  • The RNA_REFSEQ and RNA_GENE labels require to use capital letters.

  • Gene symbols must follow the HUGO nomenclature. The HGNC standard for human gene symbols requires the use of all capital letters.

  • The header Type,Name in the CSV file is optional and case insensitive.

To add multiple targets at one time, you can use a CSV or a Gene List file. The following input files are accepted for Ion AmpliSeq™ RNA gene expression designs. To view example files, in the target addition pane, click Input Specifications, then click Download this example for each file type of interest. You can copy/edit the example files to create panel‑specific input files.

File type


Gene List

A TXT file that contains a list of gene symbols. A Gene List TXT file is similar to a CSV file, but contains only one column.

Example Gene List file contents:


CSV File

A comma separated values (CSV) file that contains 2 columns. Column 1 specifies the type of the sequence, and must either be RNA_REFSEQ (reference sequence) or RNA_GENE (gene). Column 2 specifies the gene name or the RefSeq accession number. A header Type,Name is optional. If included, a header must be exactly the two words: Type for the first column and Name for the second column.

Example CSV File contents, where each column is separated by a comma:
