Ion AmpliSeq™ On‑Demand Panel design and CNV detection
Use the following guidelines when you design an Ion AmpliSeq™ On‑Demand Panel for CNV calling:
Generally, CNVs can be robustly detected if at least 10, and ideally 20 amplicons cover a CNV. It can be possible to call CNVs with fewer amplicons (especially if using the algorithm’s low stringency setting), but if the data are somewhat noisy or if the coverage is low, a CNV covered by fewer than 10 amplicons can be missed.
If the gene on which you want to call CNVs has fewer than 10 amplicons, consider adding genes on the 3ʹ and 5ʹ side of the gene of interest via a spike-in panel (or add catalog genes, if available).
The algorithm used by Ion Reporter™ Software should be robust if no more than ~20% of amplicons in a panel have a CNV. If you are interested in whether a gene is affected by a CNV, there should typically be at least 5 genes in the panel, only one of which has a CNV in any sample. If more than 20% of the amplicons in the panel have a CNV (for example, in the case of a massively aneuploid tumor sample), the change in copy number can be detected, but the exact copy number value prediction may not be correct. This is because the normal diploid (‘ploidy=2’) state can be hard to identify in such samples, and as a result, CNVs can be called with the wrong copy number.